Saturday, March 30, 2013

Port Townsend Kinetic Sculpture Race ~ Port Townsend Washington

The GREAT Port Townsend Bay Kinetic Sculpture Race

"What in the World Happened?

-by Steven Emery

Take a generous portion of adventure, mix in some garage engineering and creative artistic license, then stir vigorously amongst enthusiastic fans, and you have a recipe for the most kaptivating form of racing: Kinetic Sculpture Racing. Fascinating to watch, Kinetic Sculptures are functional works of engineering art. Their designs can vary from simple one-person contraptions, to high tech, multi-pilot marvels with lengths of over seventy-five feet! After the creators of these kineticly inspired dream machines spend weeks, days, and months designing and building their sculptures, they face the challenge of completing a race course consisting of many terrain types. These types of terrain can be as easy as a paved road, or as messy as a sticky quagmire of mud. Sometimes the terrain becomes as dangerous as a choppy bay or a swift flowing river."

Source and lot's more about the Washington Port Townsend Kinetic Sculpture Race

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